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AIHA APS Spring 2022 Technical Session & AGM
What Did I Miss?
Industrial Hygiene Lessons Learned and Atlantic Province Updates from the Past Two Years
Workshop Overview
For many of us, the past two years has looked a little different for our profession. From a change to a more virtual work environment, to our skills being called upon in different areas then we may have been asked before, it is hard to deny that there may have been something we missed while our attention was focused elsewhere. This workshop is designed to catch you up on the various lessons learned, legislative changes, and much more on industrial hygiene in Atlantic Canada from these past two years. You will also have the opportunity to socialize and network with the many familiar, and new faces, of our membership. You won’t want to miss this in-person workshop!
Our speakers will include individuals from our very own membership! With diverse professional experiences, these presentations will cover a number of Industrial Hygiene topics including (but are not limited to):
PLEASE NOTE: the AIHA APS annual general meeting will follow immediately at the conclusion of the spring technical session.
American Industrial Hygiene Association - Atlantic Provinces Section
160 Rockmanor DriveBedford, NS, B4A3B5