Membership is open to any health and safety, public health, environmental, and industrial hygiene professional interested in joining our chapter. Although the AIHA APS was created to serve professionals within the Atlantic region, we welcome membership applications from any location. The benefits of membership include:
Access to the Members Only resource section of our website
Access to 5 AIHA webinars per year (without membership the cost per webinar is $250)
Certification maintenance points (CIH, ROH, CRSP) associated with attendance at Technical Sessions, webinar viewings, and involvement in the APS executive committee
Registration discounts to our Technical Sessions (held twice a year)
Invitation to the AIHA APS Annual General Meeting
Leadership opportunities within the APS executive committee
Access to networking and social events, typically held in association with the Technical Sessions
Communication by website posts and membership e-mails about job opportunities within the Atlantic Region
Membership Application
American Industrial Hygiene Association - Atlantic Provinces Section