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2018 AIHA APS Spring Conference: Welding Fume Exposure Assessment and Control

  • April 19, 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Days Inn and Suites, 2515 Mountain Road, Moncton, NB


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Welding fumes are estimated to impact approximately 100,000 workers in Canada and in 2017 welding fumes were declared by the International Agency for Research on Cancer to be carcinogenic to humans.

Despite their prevalence and hazardous nature, welding fumes are not well understood or controlled, perhaps due to the complex nature of the work and the hazards. This technical session will discuss the hazards, determinants of exposure, exposure assessment strategies and real life examples of effective controls.

We are very pleased to share that our Spring Technical Session will feature 3 speakers who will share their knowledge and experiences on assessing and controlling welding fume exposures.


American Industrial Hygiene Association - Atlantic Provinces Section

160 Rockmanor Drive
Bedford, NS, B4A3B5

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